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Offer valid only through 11:59 PM (PT) on December 31st, 2020. Receive 20% off your next purchase only on Certain products are excluded from the 20% off and will be applied a 20% discount at checkout. Not valid at specialty, retail or department stores. Toredeemonline discount, unique coupon code displayed during sign up (example:VV-WWWW-XXXX-YYYY-ZZZZ) mustbe entered at checkout. Taxes, shipping and handling fees do not count towards qualifyingpurchaseamount for discount and are excluded from any discount. Coupon code is valid for a one timepurchaseonly, regardless of whether or not maximum discount has been received. Not valid for cash.Not to becombined or used in conjunction with any other coupon codes or promotions and cannot be usedon Saleitems. Non-transferable. No adjustments to prior purchases. If you make a return from yourqualifying purchase, you will only be refunded the actual price paid after discount. Offerissubject to change without notice. If you have any questions, please call 877-496-7039 or visit our Customer Support Centeronline forfurther assistance.